This is the Title Page; the highlights from the week...
Every day of the week has an opening page with a picture and my gratitude moments for that day...
Each day also has an 8 x 12 page that is the highlights of that particular day...we used a Giga punch (approx. 2 inches, can be found at your LSS) to make the squares for this 'square' page...I also included punches of junk mail...emails, etc....anything that created interest from the day...
The back of the 'squares' page is a collage of more things and observations about the day that I didn't want to forget...
Behind the 8 x 12 page is an 8 1/2 x 11 page that highlights an important story or picture...I also did a layout behind each of these pages because I had so many 'good' pictures to use and stories to tell.....
The last page for each day was a 'food and work' shared what we ate that day and what we did for work...highlighted by photos of course!
Every day of the week has an opening page with a picture and my gratitude moments for that day...
Each day also has an 8 x 12 page that is the highlights of that particular day...we used a Giga punch (approx. 2 inches, can be found at your LSS) to make the squares for this 'square' page...I also included punches of junk mail...emails, etc....anything that created interest from the day...
The back of the 'squares' page is a collage of more things and observations about the day that I didn't want to forget...
Behind the 8 x 12 page is an 8 1/2 x 11 page that highlights an important story or picture...I also did a layout behind each of these pages because I had so many 'good' pictures to use and stories to tell.....
The last page for each day was a 'food and work' shared what we ate that day and what we did for work...highlighted by photos of course!
I have finished the 'insides' of my Week In The Life Album. This album all started last June when I took pictures and saved EVERYTHING from a week in our life! I then took a class from Ali Edwards at CKU, and her philosophy about photographing the everyday. It was unbelievable. Now, that I have completed the album, it is even more amazing. As I look back on this week I am in awe of the things that I don't want to forget that passed by too quickly. I also had many aha! moments during this process.
I am so grateful to be able to 'stay home' with my kids. I know that this mom job can become tedious,or the same day after day, but I found that I when you look for the magic in the are indeed blessed. During this time, last summer, I was feeling that I needed to be doing something else, maybe working, or earning money; but then I realized that where I was, with my kids, is definitely where I am supposed to be RIGHT THEN. And that is the same way that I feel RIGHT NOW.
I just need to complete the 'outside' of the album and will post a picture of it after the weekend. Comment if you have any questions and thanks for looking!