Monday, April 14, 2008

6 Things....

My friend, Ro, tagged here it goes....
Completely Random Things about me and my life:
1. Our basement is a complete disaster! It has never been this bad and it is bad. I have some serious dreams for this basement, but right now it is just a disaster.
2. I bite my fingernails. It is a dirty, nasty, awful, nervous habit.
3. Cleaned my couches today. Vacuumed, scrubbed, fluffed, etc; and they will probably look like they do now for less than 24 hours.
4. I love going to lunch. I need to do this more often. I had a wonderful lunch today with two fabulous friends for one fabulous friend's birthday. And another fabulous friend watched my fabulous daughter! (OK enough of the HSM 2, Ella!)
5. Going on a cruise in 5 months and need to lose 15 lbs. Any suggestions?
6. I love Cookies N' Cream ice cream. Need some now....this doesn't help with #5, does it?

I tag Lynn, Debora, Candi, Cindy, Ashleigh, & Sheri
I know this is random, and I am not sure if this is what I was supposed to do, but here it is.....
Ta Da!


  1. At least you can go down and play in your basement. We just do laundry in ours, and if it is not done before it gets dark...I make Ben go get it.

    I love cookies and cream ice crem too. I could eat a half gallon in a day in a half.. YUMMY!!

  2. Okay - I'm "it". I'll post my things on my blog soon... :)


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