Thursday, February 26, 2009


I always shared a room growing up....I had 4 sisters. When I got a little bit older, like twelve, my dad finished our basement and I had a room of my own. Every night, I went to sleep on the floor in my sister's room. I did not want to be alone. I then went to college, and had a roommate. I shared a room there too. Then I got married and have been sharing a room with the same guy for over 13 years. I guess I don't like having a room of my own.
My friend Cathey made this vinyl sign for my friend where her girls share a room. She has some great quotes and designs that go on the wall!

I also have another friend, Candi, that makes vinyl designs! Both of these ladies are creative....go check out their sites!
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  1. so.....are your girls going to share a room? I loved having my sisters sleep downstairs with me. I loved having roomates!!! (wink) Cute quote.

  2. There is nothing like a sister! I, too, share a room with my sister for most of my life!
    So now that I have the 3 girls, I love to see them together!

  3. I had the same deal, I didn't like sleeping alone. After my sis and I got our own rooms, we still slept in the same one most of the time (heck we even shared a womb). I don't like sleeping alone either.


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