We are finally reconnected to the world through our computer. This weekend was crazy with my work schedule, and Craig was able to get it up and running while trying to keep three children from destroying the house. He ALWAYS does a great job as the dad. For the past two weekends he has really stepped up to be with the kids. Last weekend I was in Kansas, and this weekend I had the All Day Crop with two classes at the store. He did an amazing job! Even my friends and neighbors were impressed.
I know this may sound cheesy, but I do love this man with all my heart. Even though we have our rough edges, we are making it work, and striving to find the joy in the journey. When the kids enter the picture, it sometimes seems that our marriage falls right through the cracks. And don't get me wrong, it has fallen deeply.... But we keep working hard, giving more, and loving beyond any reasonable amount, and it has now almost been twelve years! (April 28th)
Love ya honey.....
***Edited: I wanted to post a picture of my dear husband, but I still haven't figured out how to connect my camera to this new computer! I guess I will have to get out the directions.
brought tears to my eyes Kim. I'm so happy for you two, you have made such a beautiful life together and 3 beautiful children, despite the rought roads. I'm so happy for you two, and can't wait to see you next week!!!! Kirsten keeps asking if we are leaving today! Glad to see you are back up and running.