Thursday, October 14, 2010


Each night, I lie in bed and just before I fall asleep I make a mental list of all the things I am going to do in the morning:
Wake up earlier
Walk 3 miles
Clean the bathrooms
Scrub the carpet stain on the stairs and in the family room
Organize the kids' closets
Wash/vacuum the minivan
Create something for the scrapbooks

And then I wake up, get the kids off to school, and do NOTHING! Seriously, what is my deal?
I need some motivation.
How do you get some?
{Your suggestions are desperately needed...thanks}


Thank you for all your kind words and emails. I have finished so many things on my to-do list these past 2 days that it feels so good! I think sometimes you just have to 'put it out there' and what you get back is so much more!!!


  1. One room at a time! Do what I do...move around a lot. It forces me to clean and keep organized:)

  2. I am right there with ya... big plans with little or no results... if you find something that works let me know. I thought if I posted it on my blog where people read it, I would have to be accountable for it... my blogs is going great... my goals not so hot.

  3. Your house is always perfectly clean:) I agree with room at a time, that is what I did and my house finally feels clean.....and I feel like I get more accomplished, if I just focus on one thing at a time:)


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