The school year is almost over, and I am excited for summer. We have a few things planned, but not much. So excited about that. No schedules, no alarms, just relaxing and eating lots of popsicles & snow cones. It is going to start getting very HOT here soon!

We had a taste of summer earlier this week with the kids out of school for a couple of snow days we never had to make up, and I am excited for what is in store. But there is one thing on my list to do before the kids are out of school for good on the 7th of June.

MM&I Day (Me, Myself, & I Day: while school is still in session, savor one more day ALONE. Maybe I will shop, have lunch with friends, or maybe.....hmmmm might have to think about this one!)
What would you do on your last day before summer break??
I guess I can't create a blog post without including one creative project. Saw this quote on my dear friend's blog and wanted to create with it. Love how this turned out.

Alright, just one more. Promise.

My favorite quote
from my favorite song
in my favorite Broadway musical.
Prima + Fiskars